
Latest publications: Enlargement of the EU Towards the East: A Pivotal Change in EU’s External Policy? by Z. Dubský, K. Kočí & M. Votoupalová

Dubský, Z., Kočí, K., & Votoupalová, M. (2023). Enlargement of the EU Towards the East: A Pivotal Change in EU’s External Policy?. Politics and Governance, 12. doi: The EU’s Eastern enlargement in 2004 was marked by the entry of mostly smaller states, whose ability to shape the external direction of the EU was questioned. However, the […]

Latest publications: Enlargement of the EU Towards the East: A Pivotal Change in EU’s External Policy? by Z. Dubský, K. Kočí & M. Votoupalová

Latest publications: The 2021 Federal Election and Its Implications for Russian/German Relations by J. Eberle

Eberle, J., Handl, V. (2023). The 2021 Federal Election and Its Implications for Russian/German Relations. In: Campbell, R., Davidson-Schmich, L.K. (eds) The 2021 German Federal Election. New Perspectives in German Political Studies. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. This chapter evaluates the development of Germany’s Russia policy. Since 2014, Germany has pursued contradictory policies that tried to […]

Latest publications: The 2021 Federal Election and Its Implications for Russian/German Relations by J. Eberle

Workshop with OECD DAC Chair Carsten Staur /2. 11. 2023/

OECD Development Assistance Committee’s Chair, Mr Carsten Staur, held a lecture and discussed the opportunities for the private sector in the developing world, as well as obstacles and risks to private sector engagement, at the Prague University of Economics and Business. The workshop was held on 2 November, 17:00 – 18:30, in room NB 169 […]

Workshop with OECD DAC Chair Carsten Staur /2. 11. 2023/

Latest publications: China’s Hedged Economic Diplomacy in Saudi Arabia and Iran by Jeremy Garlick

GARLICK, Jeremy (2023) China’s Hedged Economic Diplomacy in Saudi Arabia and Iran: A Strategy of Risk Mitigation. In KIM, Young-Chan (ed.) China’s Engagement with the Islamic Nations: A Clash or Collaboration of Modern Civilisation? Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-031-31041-6. The Persian Gulf is a key area for the regional implementation of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the Middle […]

Latest publications: China’s Hedged Economic Diplomacy in Saudi Arabia and Iran by Jeremy Garlick

Latest publications: In search for more ‘authentic’ EU attitudes by Michal Strnad

Michal Strnad (2023) In search for more ‘authentic’ EU attitudes: re-evaluating regionalist parties’ EU positioning from sub-state parliamentary debates, Territory, Politics, Governance, DOI: 10.1080/21622671.2023.2204910 This paper responds to the tendency of past scholarship to reduce European Union (EU) attitudes of regionalist parties to one general position. It undertakes a comprehensive analysis of regionalist parties’ EU attitudes from sub-state parliamentary debates. […]

Latest publications: In search for more ‘authentic’ EU attitudes by Michal Strnad

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