
New Publication by Dr. Radka Havlová et al.

Havlová, R. (ed.), 2018. Untangling the Mayhem: Crises and Prospects of the Middle East, Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang D.  “The volume discusses the recent developments in selected countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Theoretical chapter presents the internal and external factors influencing the development and democratization processes. Based on these factors the authors analyze […]

New Publication by Dr. Radka Havlová et al.

FIR as the European Centre for Studies and Research in International Relations

On September 12 to 15, 2018, the Faculty of International Relations (FIR) will become the European Centre of Study and Research in the field of International Relations. During these days on its premises, the University of Economics, Prague, is hosting the 12th Pan-European Conference on International Relations titled “A New Hope: Back to the Future of International Relations” organised in […]

FIR as the European Centre for Studies and Research in International Relations

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