
Pamir Halimzai received the Josef Hlávka Award for 2021

Pamir Halimzai, PhD alumni of the Department of International and Diplomatic Studies, received the Josef Hlávka Award for 2021. Pamir Halimzai has been very actively involved in the scientific activities of the Jan Masaryk Center for International Studies (now, the Department of International and Diplomatic Studies) since the beginning of his doctoral studies. As a […]

Pamir Halimzai received the Josef Hlávka Award for 2021

New publication by Jan Eichler “NATO’s Expansion After the Cold War”

EICHLER, Jan. NATO’s Expansion After the Cold War: Geopolitics and Impacts for International Security. Springer, 2021. This book analyses the expansion of The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) into the post-Soviet space after the end of the Cold War. Based on an extensive analysis of the literature and government documents, including doctrines, statements and speeches by […]

New publication by Jan Eichler “NATO’s Expansion After the Cold War”

Smart Power Workshop

Thursday 10th December 2020 at 12.45, on Microsoft Teams You are cordially invited to attend a new workshop on smart power. Find out how strategies to win the consent and approval of others are used in combination with efforts to coerce.  Smart power, the use of a full range of tools to achieve objectives, is […]

Smart Power Workshop

Global International Relations Section Call for Support and Petition

Members of the Jan Masaryk Centre support the initiative to establish the Global International Relations section within the International Studies Association framework. For details see the GIRS call for support and its Petition. The initiative can be joined by filling-in the GIRS support form or (in case of access restriction) sending the following support e-mail to […]

Global International Relations Section Call for Support and Petition

Smart Power Workshop

Thursday 5th December 2019, in room SB305 at 12:45 You are cordially invited to attend a new workshop on smart power. Find out how strategies to win the consent and approval of others are used in combination with efforts to coerce.  Smart power, the use of a full range of tools to achieve objectives, is […]

Smart Power Workshop

Prof. V. Kubálková Will Lecture on “Globalized International Relations” at VŠE

Prof. Vendulka Kubálková, a globally renowned IR scholar of Czechoslovak origin, will deliver an intensive course 2SM442 – Globalized International Relations at VŠE. The course will take place from 25 to 29 November 2019 in room NB 457. Prof. Kubálková received her JUDr., doctorate in International Law (by dissertation) from Charles University, Czechoslovakia and her […]

Prof. V. Kubálková Will Lecture on “Globalized International Relations” at VŠE

New Course 2SM353 International Security Relations

2SM353 International Security Relations is one of new courses offered to bachelor students in the winter semester 2019/2020. The course will be taught by Professor Jan Eichler on Tuesdays 14:30 – 16:00 (lecture) and 16:15 – 17:45 (seminar). The first part of this course will be concentrated on the theory of international security relations. It will explain why the […]

New Course 2SM353 International Security Relations

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